The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much

The author argues that tuition increases have not resulted from cuts in public spending, but rather that  the increase in costs have resulted from a significant increase in administrative positions as well as large salary increases for “high-ranking university administrators”. Unfortunately absent is a discussion on the obsessive improvement of facilities, some of which are needed and others less so. 

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Capital Campaigns grow in frequency and duration

An informative piece explaining campaigns and illustrating their effectiveness. The article points out that “Capital campaigns can also have hidden costs, since the new facilities they pay for are often expensive to operate.” Much of the money raised for “education” is for facilities upgrades that have little to do with enhancing education. I wonder how we teach grit and resilience when campuses are perfect? What adversity do such kids face? 

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Football Major, Basketball Minor?

An interesting and pragmatic approach that is definitely worth a read. While the idea seems fundamentally inappropriate, it does address the realities of some NCAA Division 1 athletics, especially football and basketball where graduation rates are low and revenue is high.

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