New SAT paying off for test-prep industry

A somewhat discouraging but realistic article illustrating how much money is involved in test preparation and the potential advantages that larger test prep companies have preparing students. Several large companies we have spoken to have estimated that they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars researching and preparing to tutor for the new exam. Standardized testing is typically a weakness for international students for a variety of reasons, money and access to good test prep both being significant factors. Preparation for the ACT/SAT is important; however, it is only one part of the admissions process. 

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Beyond Standardized Testing: 7 Things Every Kid Should Master Boston Globe

“Standardized testing can be worthwhile, argues this noted Williams College psychologist, but only if they measure the abilities and dispositions that students really need. ‘I have reviewed more than 300 studies of K-12 academic tests…I have found virtually no research demonstrating a relationship between those tests and measures of thinking or life outcomes.’ ”

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