Liberia is outsourcing its education. Can it work?
Business school students find voices in an age of protest
Seven local universities join court brief against travel ban
International Enrollment Under Trump - April update
Global Dexterity
Global Dexterity Andy Molinsky
The US college debt bubble is becoming dangerous
The US college debt bubble is becoming dangerous Rana Foroohar, Financial Times
We need more varsity academics
We need more varsity academics - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe.
Amid 'Trump Effect' Fear, 40% of Colleges See Dip in Foreign Applicants
Be careful of headline, the largest dip was seen at the graduate school level. Many undergraduate programs are showing a continued increase in numbers. Having said that, this data may be skewed as the application process began early in the campaign cycle. We have heard of some summer camps with decreased Mexican enrollment.
Our December presentation, ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT UNDER TRUMP, can be found here.
Schools should use this as an opportunity to evaluate their international student programs and ensure that they are providing an enriching experience for ALL students. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view learn how we assist independent schools and colleges with their international student population.
Article source: NY Times 3/16/17
2017 College Regular Decision Dates
Updated: 3/15/17 – NOTE: these dates may not be 100% accurate and schools will update as decision dates near.
March 15 or before: Northeastern, Trinity University, University of Colorado, Boulder, University of San Diego, University of San Francisco
March 16 - 18: Boston College
March 17: Babson College, Brandeis University
March 18: Boston University, Middlebury College
March 30: – Ivy League: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, U. Penn., Yale
Late March: Bentley University, Connecticut College, George Washington University, Gettysburg College, Occidental College, UC Berkeley
March 31: Penn State (depending upon application submission date)
On or by April 1: American University, Amherst College, Bates College, College of the Atlantic, Duke University, Emory University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Hamilton College, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Pomona College, Rice University, Skidmore College, Trinity College, Tufts University, Tulane University, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Southern California, Union College, Williams College
Early April: Bowdoin College