A MUST READ ARTICLE – especially for families pursuing highly competitive schools. American schools and colleges do an excellent job in most things with the glaring exception of mental health. Students “compete” with one another to see who got the least sleep and/or who studied the longest. Sleep deprivation for adolescents is the norm, especially at competitive independent schools. We know that driving fatigued is as dangerous as drunk driving; will we recognize that academic performance suffers greatly from sleep deprivation? Will piling on hours of homework no longer be the norm?
Imagine a world with no SAT/ACT scores, no test preparation, no time spent studying for an exam that has little predicative power of future achievement…it actually exists! Don’t want to take the SAT/ACT exam? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. build an application list for you!
Another look at student debt – this example illustrates one student who did not understand the loan nor the interest rate and is now paying $756 a month.