The Psychological Effects of Social Media on Teens
Looking for ‘Likes’: Teens and Social Media Addiction
Jim Jump considers the implications of the ACT scoring changes.
Widespread Suspensions for Hazing
Dorm developer changes $1b project in the Fenway — to 1,300 regular apartments
Dorm developer changes $1b project in the Fenway — to 1,300 regular apartments
"The new proposal is a direct response, Flynn said, to Fenway residents who objected to Scape’s initial plan, which would have put an enormous dorm on a patch of Boylston Street where city zoning expressly forbids student housing. "
With international student enrollment slipping, new dorms being built, tuitions continuing to rise, etc. is this a blessing in disguise for the builders?
EduBoston sudden closure - international students
The sudden closure of EduBoston reminds us of the issues with international student enrollment, particularly from China. Shrinking demographics, rising tuition, changing educational preferences for secular schools, and improving public/charter options have contributed to a decrease in domestic enrollment. Rather than significantly overhauling business models, many schools have opted for the quick fix of importing Chinese students. This tuition-driven business decision has created challenges for schools that are often overlooked. Of primary importance is the well being of students who are often forgotten about in these “transactions”.
In addition to working with international students, we advise schools on best practices with their international student practices.